What We Did

So what did we do in Kenya?
- We traveled from Nairobi to the Masai Mara and back again;
- The women on the team led a day-long retreat for women from Thread of Hope and hopefully offered encouragement to them;
- Jim worked with John Njane to improve the house where John's boys are staying until the new house is finished;
- Jim, Nancy, Cyndi and Cathy completed warrior training while Carole took pictures; Jim has the shield and spear, so it would appear he's achieved warrior-hood;
- Nancy, Cyndi and Cathy helped make a dung hut while Carole took pictures;
- Spent time with Hellen's women at the vocational training center;
- Took pictures of amazing wildlife on the Serengeti Plain.
What we did not do:
- Kill a goat
Our main stated goal was to get to know Kenyan women and hear their stories; that's the main thing and what we feel to be the most important thing we did.
Maybe it's not all about what we do, though; maybe the bigger deal is giving faithful witness to what we see and hear. If we look and listen well, what we see and hear will teach us and help us know what to do in the future.
We testify to what we have seen, and what we have seen--from Hellen's work and Masai men's conversion of thought to the animals we'll never see in S. Central PA--except maybe behind bars--is, despite Kenya's troubles, hope is alive. Girls who would otherwise be circumcised and taken in marriage way too early now have access to education and are being empowered to choose when and whom they will marry.
While we were with Helle, she said: "These women have nothing and I have nothing to give them; but I have Jesus, so I have everything.
And guess what? There are girls and women listening in and counting their own treasures.
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3
And guess what? There are girls and women listening in and counting their own treasures.
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3